In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) if you are an individual based in the European Union (EU), you have certain rights in relation to personal information that we hold about you. Personal information in this EU policy only means information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.
Notwithstanding any rights you may have under Australian law or our Privacy Policy, under GDPR, you have the following rights:
- Right to deletion: this means that you can make a request to have your personal information deleted. However, this is not an absolute right and may only apply in certain circumstances.
- Right to restrict processing: this means that we can store your personal information but we are limited in the way we can process it e.g. sending promotional emails to you. Again, this is not an absolute right and may only apply in certain circumstances.
- Right to data portability: this means that you can make a request for your personal information to be made available to you, or to another organisation on your behalf, in commonly used formats such as excel spreadsheets.
- Right to object: you have the right to object to your personal information being processed. This includes direct marketing.
- Rights related to automated decision-making: this means that, for decisions that are made about you, using your personal information, you can make a request for those decisions to be by a human rather than an automated, system or machine.
Request for access and complaint resolution mechanism
You should write to or the postal address below if you wish to do any of the following things:
- Request access to or rectification, portability of or deletion of your personal information;
- Delete your AgilityClick account; or
- Exercise your right to restrict processing of your personal information or your right to object to processing.
85 Blackwall Road
Chuwar Qld 4306
Changing this policy
We will amend this EU Policy from time to time and notify you of any amendments through our publications and by posting an updated version on our website at
Any amendments to this EU Policy will be effective immediately upon being posted to our website. Your use of our website, products or service following such amendments represents your acceptance to be bound by the EU Policy, as amended.
Suggestions about improving this EU Policy are welcomed. Please contact us at should you wish to provide feedback.